3. Using GreenLightPlus as a Reinforcement Learning Environment
GreenLightPlus is not only a greenhouse simulator but can also serve as an environment for reinforcement learning. This section will detail how to use the Ray RLlib framework and the PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) algorithm to train an intelligent greenhouse control strategy.
3.1 Preparation
Before starting, ensure you have installed the following dependencies:
pip install GreenLightPlus
3.2 Complete Code Example
# Import necessary libraries
from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig # Import PPO algorithm configuration
from ray.tune.logger import pretty_print # For beautifying output
from GreenLightPlus import GreenhouseEnv # Import greenhouse environment
from tqdm import tqdm # For displaying progress bar
import os
import random
# Configure PPO algorithm
config = PPOConfig()
config.rollouts(num_rollout_workers=10) # Set 10 parallel rollout workers
config.resources(num_cpus_per_worker=1) # Each worker uses 1 CPU
# Configure environment parameters
env=GreenhouseEnv, # Use GreenhouseEnv as the environment
"first_day": 101, # Start date of simulation (day of the year)
"epw_path": "NLD_Amsterdam.062400_IWEC.epw", # Path to weather data file
"isMature": False, # Whether the crop is mature
"season_length": 60, # Length of growing season (days)
"season_interval": 1/24*4, # Simulation time interval (hours)
"current_step": 0, # Current step
"target_yield": 8, # Target yield
"target_yield_unit_energy_input": 22, # Target yield per unit energy input
"init_state": {
"p": {
# Greenhouse structure settings
'psi': 22, # Mean greenhouse cover slope [degrees]
'aFlr': 4e4, # Floor area [m^2]
'aCov': 4.84e4, # Surface of the cover including side walls [m^2]
'hAir': 6.3, # Height of the main compartment [m]
'hGh': 6.905, # Mean height of the greenhouse [m]
'aRoof': 0.1169*4e4, # Maximum roof ventilation area [m^2]
'hVent': 1.3, # Vertical dimension of single ventilation opening [m]
'cDgh': 0.75, # Ventilation discharge coefficient [-]
'lPipe': 1.25, # Length of pipe rail system [m m^-2]
'phiExtCo2': 7.2e4*4e4/1.4e4, # Capacity of CO2 injection for the entire greenhouse [mg s^-1]
'pBoil': 300*4e4, # Capacity of boiler for the entire greenhouse [W]
# Control settings
'co2SpDay': 1000, # CO2 setpoint during the light period [ppm]
'tSpNight': 18.5, # temperature set point dark period [°C]
'tSpDay': 19.5, # temperature set point light period [°C]
'rhMax': 87, # maximum relative humidity [%]
'ventHeatPband': 4, # P-band for ventilation due to high temperature [°C]
'ventRhPband': 50, # P-band for ventilation due to high RH [% humidity]
'thScrRhPband': 10, # P-band for screen opening due to high RH [% humidity]
'lampsOn': 0, # time of day to switch on lamps [h]
'lampsOff': 18, # time of day to switch off lamps [h]
'lampsOffSun': 400, # lamps off if radiation above this value [W m^-2]
'lampRadSumLimit': 10 # Daily radiation sum limit for lamp use [MJ m^-2 day^-1]
render_env=False, # Do not render the environment
# Configure training parameters
gamma=0.9, # Discount factor
lr=0.0001, # Learning rate
kl_coeff=0.3, # KL divergence coefficient
"fcnet_hiddens": [256, 256], # Number of hidden units in fully connected layers
"fcnet_activation": "relu", # Activation function
"use_lstm": True, # Use LSTM
"max_seq_len": 48, # Maximum sequence length for LSTM
# Build algorithm
algo = config.build()
# Train the model
for episode in tqdm(range(250)): # Train for 250 episodes
# Train the algorithm
result = algo.train()
# Print results and save checkpoint every 5 episodes
if episode % 5 == 0:
checkpoint_dir = algo.save().checkpoint.path
print(f"Checkpoint saved in directory {checkpoint_dir}")
print(f"Episode {episode}: Mean Reward = {result['episode_reward_mean']}, "
f"Mean Length = {result['episode_len_mean']}")
# Evaluate the model after training
print("\nEvaluating trained model:")
env = GreenhouseEnv(config.env_config) # Create a new environment instance
state = env.reset() # Reset the environment
done = False
total_reward = 0
while not done:
action = algo.compute_single_action(state) # Use trained model to select action
state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # Execute action
total_reward += reward # Accumulate reward
print(f"Evaluation complete. Total reward: {total_reward}")
# Clean up resources
3.3 Usage Instructions
- Ensure Ray, tqdm, and GreenLightPlus are installed in your system.
- Modify
to your weather data file path. - Adjust
based on your computational resources. - You can modify
to set different optimization goals. - Run the script to start the training process. Training may take a long time, please be patient.
- After training, the model will automatically perform a simple evaluation.
3.4 Parameter Adjustment Suggestions
- season_length: Increasing this value allows the model to learn longer-term strategies but also increases training time.
- num_rollout_workers: Increasing this value can speed up training but requires more computational resources.
- lr: The learning rate can be adjusted based on training effects. If the reward fluctuates greatly, try lowering the learning rate.
- gamma: The discount factor affects how much the model values future rewards. Increasing this value will make the model more focused on long-term benefits.
3.5 Considerations
- Reinforcement learning training may require substantial computational resources and time. Depending on your hardware configuration, it may take from several hours to several days.
- Model performance may fluctuate. This is normal; the long-term trend is what's important.
- Saved checkpoints can be used to continue training or deploy to real environments.
- The design of the reward function can be adjusted to improve model performance.
Through this approach, you can use reinforcement learning to develop intelligent greenhouse control strategies, potentially improving crop yield and energy efficiency. As training progresses, the model should learn how to adjust greenhouse parameters based on different environmental conditions to maximize yield and minimize energy consumption.