1. Core Components

Core Components

The core directory contains the fundamental modules that form the backbone of the GreenLightPlus project:

  • green_light_model.py: Defines the GreenLightModel class, which is the central component for creating and managing greenhouse simulation models.

  • greenhouse_env.py: Implements the GreenhouseEnv class, a custom OpenAI Gym environment for reinforcement learning in greenhouse control. This environment allows AI models to be trained for optimal greenhouse management.

  • greenhouse_geometry.py: Contains the GreenhouseGeometry class, which handles the creation and management of the greenhouse's physical structure in OpenStudio.

  • greenlight_energyplus_simulation.py: Defines the GreenhouseSimulation class, which integrates the GreenLight model with EnergyPlus for comprehensive energy simulations.

These core modules work together to provide a flexible and powerful framework for simulating greenhouse environments, energy consumption, and crop growth, as well as for training AI models to optimize greenhouse operations.